
Colorlight A35 Networked LED Screen Video Player

Оригиналната цена беше: $78.00.Тековната цена е: $75.00.


Colorlight A35 Networked LED Screen Video Player is a new generation of cloud networked player, supporting the Colorlight cloud platform, supporting 4G, WIFI, wired network and other networking methods, rapid deployment to achieve intelligent cloud management function multi-screen, multi-service, cross-regional unified management.

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Colorlight A35 Networked LED Screen Video Player Features.

Support up to 350,000 pixel load capacity, до 2,048 pixels wide and up to 1,200 пиксели.

Support for cloud hierarchical management and multi-role programme distribution

Support for cloud monitoring and alarming and automatic linkage

Powerful processing performance, supporting HD265 4K video hard decoding. 265 4K HD video hard decode playback
8GB capacity

Multiple playback methods support USB flash drive plug and play, USB flash drive update playlist support multi-screen synchronous playback support timing command

Windows and materials support multi-page playback, до 32 program pages support rich media materials, such as pictures, videos, текст, clocks, итн.,

Support video, picture scaling support multi-window playback and overlay, you can freely set the window size and position up to 2 HD windows or 1 4K video playback window at the same time.


Colorlight A35 Networked LED Screen Video Player Total control solution

Support for multiple control platforms, LED wizard, мобилен телефон, tablet App control

Support a variety of different applications for management, convenient for different applications.

Network communication

В 1 Fi dual-band and dual-mode, supports WIFi 2.4G and 5G bands, WIFi hotspot mode or WIFi client mode

LAN support for DHCP mode and static mode

4G communication, support for 4G networks in various countries (изборен)

GPS positioning (изборен)

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