
VDWALL LVP300 3 Modi LED Display HD Video Prozessor

Original Präis war: $317.25.Aktuelle Präis ass: $310.50.


Kaaft Vdwall Led Controller Systemer fir Är Bühn Locatioun Video Maueren zu beschte Präisser.

There are four options for LVP300 LED Video Processor: LVP300 standard, LVP300 with extension SDI input module, LVP300 with extension DVI input module, LVP300 with extension USB input module.

Weltwäit Versand op all Bestellungen.

  • 30 Deeg einfach zréck
  • Bestellt ären virum 14.30 Auer fir de selwechten Dag Versand
Garantéiert Safe Checkout

Features of VDWALL LVP300 3 Modi LED Display HD Video Prozessor:

1.Faroudja® Real Color®True color image processing,,Faroudja® DCDI interlacing video processingFaroudja® TureLife™video enhancement.

2. Three custom dual screen mode, a key switch between modes, arbitrary PIP (PIP / PBP) affichéieren.

3.Seamless switch, fade in and fade out switch.

4.Switching modeOne key switch and preselection+Take switch.

5.Support menu in five languages: Chineesesch, English, Russian, Spanish and Korean.

6.A variety of control methods: panel buttons, computer software, flexible and convenient operation.

7.A pc of sending cards can be built in.

8. 24/7 Uwendungen, héich Zouverlässegkeet, Stabilitéit


Feature one:Seamless switch,fade in and fade out switch

Feature two:3 modes of user-difined PIP/POP display:

Feature three:Support memu in five languages,Chineesesch,English,Russian,Spanish and Korean:


Large venue display application such as:Rental Performacne,TV broadcast center,Stage Enterainment&Theater,High-end Meetings&Ausstellungen etc:

More Pictures of VDWALL LVP300 3 Modi LED Display HD Video Prozessor

VDWALL LVP300 3 Modes LED Display HD Video Processor

VDWALL LVP300 3 Modes LED Display HD Video Processor

VDWALL LVP300 3 Modes LED Display HD Video Processor

VDWALL LVP300 3 Modes LED Display HD Video Processor

VDWALL LVP300 3 Modes LED Display HD Video Processor

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