
VDWALL LedSync820C(H) LED Video Controller

Original Präis war: $716.23.Aktuelle Präis ass: $702.00.


Kaaft Vdwall Led Controller Systemer fir Är Bühn Locatioun Video Maueren zu beschte Präisser.

VDWALL LedSync820C(H) LED Video Controller aus der Produktioun war. You can buy its alternative model: LVP300 video processor.

Weltwäit Versand op all Bestellungen.

  • 30 Deeg einfach zréck
  • Bestellt ären virum 14.30 Auer fir de selwechten Dag Versand
Garantéiert Safe Checkout

Characteristics of VDWALL LedSync820C(H) LED Video Controller:

1) Digital Video Decoder
2) Video Decoder Adjustments (NTSC, PAL) Hellegkeet, Contrast, Hue,Saturation
3) Adaptive 2/4-line Comb filter for Two Dimensional Chrominance/Luminance Separation
4) State-of-the-art Motion-Adaptive Deinterlace Processor
5) Intelligent Edge Deinterlacing
6) Digital Color/Luminance Transient Improvement (DCTI/DLTI)
7) Fortgeschratt 4 × 4 Pixel Interpolatioun Skala Algorithmus.
8) Advanced 4-symbol LUT for H and V Enlargement Scaler.
9) Independent H and V Scaling Ratios.
10)10-bëssen Veraarbechtung.
11) User-defined Gamma Value from 0.4 zu 3.99.
12) 8 levels Output Brightness Selection.
13) User-defined LED Window Size and Location by Front Panel Button setup.
14) 1 vun 8 Sources Directly Selected by Front Panel Button,includes:
1 x DVI 1 x VGA.
4 x CVBS 1 x Y/C.
1 x YPbPr
15) Audio Sync Switch.
16) Seamless Switch.
17) Switch Input Source,Change Brightness automatically by Timing Control Plan.
18) LED Transmission Card Built-in ability.
19) Remote Control through TCP/IP Internet Network.
20) 24/7 Applikatioun.

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