
Novastar MON300 LED Monitoring Card for video display

Original Präis war: $54.00.Aktuelle Präis ass: $52.65.


Kaaft Novastar Led Controller Systemer fir Är Bühn Locatioun Video Maueren zu beschte Präisser.

MON300 has the follow up functions:

  • LED lights status monitoring (Need extra IC support & matched HUB )
  • Flat cable breakdown monitoring. (Need matched HUB)
  • Cabinet temperature, humidity and smoke monitoring
  • 8 power supplies monitoring
  • 4 fans monitoring
  • Cabinet back door closing monitoring.

Weltwäit Versand op all Bestellungen.

  • 30 Deeg einfach zréck
  • Bestellt ären virum 14.30 Auer fir de selwechten Dag Versand
Garantéiert Safe Checkout

Novastar MON300 LED Monitoring Card for LED Display Details.

Novastar MON300 LED Monitoring Card is for engineering projects with high security requirements.

It is compatible with the receiving card MRV320 MRV560.


MON300 Monitoring Card connected with receiver card and module

MON300 monitor card connection


Elektresch Spezifikatioune Bewäert Spannung DC 5.0V
Bewäert aktuell 0.15 A
Bewäert Stroumverbrauch W 0.75
MON300 Work environment Temperatur -20℃~60
Fiichtegkeet 0% RH ~95% RH, Keng Kondensatioun
Smoke transducer work environment Temperatur -20℃~60
Fiichtegkeet 0% RH ~60% RH, Keng Kondensatioun
Kierperlech Spezifikatioune Gréisst 144.0 mm ×91.5 mm ×22.5 mm
Net 115.7 g

Detection index


Fiichtegkeet 1 RH ~99 RH per cent
Fëmmen FW HW<0.7 Mev
Spannung V 0V ~12

Zousätzlech Informatiounen


3 kg

Fabrikant beschwéiert



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