
Novastar CVT4K-S Fiber Converter Video Processor LED Controller

Original Präis war: $2,986.25.Aktuelle Präis ass: $2,945.00.


Kaaft Novastar Led Controller Systemer fir Är Bühn Locatioun Video Maueren zu beschte Präisser.

  • 16-channel Neutrik Ethernet inputs and outputs.
  • 4-channel optical fiber inputs/outputs.
  • Dual-power redundancy backup
  • Two types of power interfaces (3-pin power socket and Power CON)
  • USB and Ethernet control interfaces

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  • 30 Deeg einfach zréck
  • Bestellt ären virum 14.30 Auer fir de selwechten Dag Versand
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Novastar CVT4K-S Fiber Converter Video Processor LED Controller. Spezifizéierung

  • CVT4K-S fiber converter enables the signal conversion between optical fiber and twisted pair cables. Et erlaabt laang-Distanz Signal Iwwerdroung déi stabil ass an net einfach gestéiert ginn. Sinn einfach ze benotzen, CVT4K-S makes it convenient to connect terminal devices as well as simpler for onsite connections.
  • 16-channel Neutrik Ethernet inputs and outputs.
  • 4-channel optical fiber inputs/outputs. Two of them are master input/output channels and the other two are backups.
  • With dual-power redundancy backup inside for more stability and reliability.
  • Two types of power interfaces (3-pin power socket and Power CON) are supported to meet different needs of customers.
  • Mat verschiddene Luuchten op der viischter Panel, each status can be showed clearly.
  • With USB and Ethernet control interfaces making it more flexible and much easier to connect main control computers

Novastar CVT4K-S Fiber Converter Video Processor HTL LED Controller

Elektresch Spezifikatioune Input Volt AC 100V 240V
Bewäert Stroumverbrauch 10W


Temperatur -20+60
Fiichtegkeet 10%RH 90%RH
Store environment Temperatur -20+70
Kierperlech Spezifikatioune Gréisst 500.0mm × 386.0mm × 96.0mm
Netto Gewiicht 4.6kg

Package information

Suitcase 530.0mm × 193.0mm × 420.0mm, White cardboard boxes

Accessories box

405.0mm × 290.0mm × 48.0mm, White cardboard boxes

Accessoiren: 1 ×Power Cable, 1 ×Net Cable, 1 × USB Cable, 10 ×Screws, 1 × Certificate of quality

Bausse Këscht 550.0mm × 440.0mm × 210.0mm, Kraft-paper box
Zertifikatioun CE FCC UL&CUL EAC CB IC

Zousätzlech Informatiounen


4 kg

Fabrikant beschwéiert



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