
Novastar AT32 Receiving Card configuration with Nova RCFG file

Original Präis war: $54.00.Aktuelle Präis ass: $13.50.


Kaaft Novastar Led Controller Systemer fir Är Bühn Locatioun Video Maueren zu beschte Präisser.

Luede Kapazitéit: 512× 256 Opléisung.
Bewäert Stroumverbrauch: 2.5 W.
Zertifizéierungen:RoHS,EMC Class B.

Weltwäit Versand op all Bestellungen.

  • 30 Deeg einfach zréck
  • Bestellt ären virum 14.30 Auer fir de selwechten Dag Versand
Garantéiert Safe Checkout

Novastar AT32 receiving card is a general small receiving card developed by NovaStar. A single AT32 loads up to 512×256 pixels.

With various functions such as 12-bit precision pixel level brightness and chroma calibration, 3D function and individual Gamma adjustment for RGB, the AT32 led module controller can greatly improve the display effect and user experience.

The Novastar AT32 receiving card uses high-density connectors for communication to limit effects of dust and vibration, doraus zu héich Stabilitéit an Zouverlässegkeet.

Et ënnerstëtzt bis zu 24 sets of parallel RGB data or 64 Sets vun Serien Daten. Seng reservéiert Pins erlaben personaliséiert Funktiounen vun de Benotzer.

Thanks to its EMC Class A compliant hardware design and with novastar led studio, the AT32 led rcg card ​​has improved electromagnetic compatibility and is suitable to many applications.

Novastar AT32 Receiving Card configuration Features:

Improvements to Display Effect

  • Pixel Niveau Hellegkeet a Chromakalibratioun
  • Schnell Nahtkorrektur
  • 3D Funktioun

Improvements to Maintainability

  • Smart Modul (supported by dedicated firmware)
  • Modul Flash Gestioun
  • One-click application of calibration coefficients saved in module Flash
  • Mapping Funktioun
  • Setting of pre-stored image on receiving card
  • Voltage and temperature monitoring
  • Cabinet LCD
  • Bit error rate monitoring
  • Readback of firmware program
  • Readback of configuration parameters

Improvements to Reliability

  • Dual-card backup and status monitoring
  • Status monitoring of dual power supplies
  • Loop Backupsatellit
  • Dual backup of program.

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0.3 kg


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