
Magnimage LED-W4000 8K*2K HDMI Video processor

Original Präis war: $2,808.00.Aktuelle Präis ass: $2,767.50.


Under HDMI output mode, single output support 4K x 2K@60Hz resolution, can customize the resolution in this range.
Total 2 x HDMI output, single machine support 8K x 2K@60Hz.

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Magnimage LED-W4000 8K*2K HDMI Video processor.

Standard input: 12 Häfen, divided into 4 Gruppen, each group includes 3 Input, using one out of three, total inputs are SDI×1, HDMI×3, DVI × 4, DP×4.
Resolutioun Spezifizéierung: SDI (3G SDI: 1080P/I and below) , HDMI, DVI and DP, all support EDID within 4K×1K/60Hz.
Extend inputs: ënnerstëtzen 2 groups of 4K module at the same time, each module includes DP1.2×1, HDMI 2.0×1 (enthalen 1 loop). In one module, the input ports can use one out of two.
Ausgang: 12 ports divided into 2 Gruppen, each group includes 4×DVI (A B copy for backup, 1A=1B, 2A=2B ) and 2×HDMI(A B copy for backup); either DVI or HDMI ports are available for use.
Under HDMI output mode, single output support 4K x 2K@60Hz resolution, can customize the resolution in this range.
Total 2 x HDMI output, single machine support 8K x 2K@60Hz.

Mag LED-W4000 8K*2K Video processor Mag LED-W4000 8K*2K Video processor

Magnimage LED-W4000 8K*2K HDMI Video processor

Zousätzlech Informatiounen


11 kg

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