
Linsn EX901D LED Function Card for Led Video Walls

Original Präis war: $93.37.Aktuelle Präis ass: $87.75.


Entdeckt Linsn Led Controller Systemer fir Är Indoor an Outdoor Video Maueren zu beschte Präisser.

Dëst Produkt gouf net méi an der Produktioun an eis recommandéiert Alternativen sinn wéi follegt:Linsn EX902D

Weltwäit Versand op all Bestellungen.

  • 30 Deeg einfach zréck
  • Bestellt ären virum 14.30 Auer fir de selwechten Dag Versand
Garantéiert Safe Checkout

Linsn EX901D LED Function Card Specification:

1) Audio-output.
Integrated the audio-signal transmission,free from exteranal audio signal lineamplifier could be connected to the function card directly
2) Light Sensor.
Enable brigtness adjust automatically ,256 grades.
3)Temperatur & Humidity Sensor.
Detect the temperature and humidity inside and outside the display.
Display the temperature and humidity on the LED screen.
4)Rauchdetektioun, smoke sensor is needed for this function.
Turn on and off the power of LED display remotely by the LED studio.
6)Temperature Alert.
Via our software LedStudio,you can set a certain value for turning on the fans automatically,also another value for turning on the air-conditioner.

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