
Kystar U6 HDMI Input 4 DVI Output HD Multi-window LED Video Switcher

Original Präis war: $4,067.55.Aktuelle Präis ass: $4,050.00.

Kaaft Kystar Led Controller Systemer fir Är Bühn Locatioun a fixe Videomaueren zu beschte Präisser.

Kystar U6 HDMI Input 4 DVI Output HD Multi-window LED Video Switcher Features:U6 Six Windows Processor.

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Kystar U6 HDMI Input 4 DVI Output HD Multi-window LED Video Switcher Features:
Output pixels up to 15360 horizontal bzw 6144 vertikal.
Display six windows of images on a single screen simultaneously or control six different LED screens.
Support HDMI , DVI , VGA , SDI , CVBS , IP inputs.
Six windows preview and output monitoring.
Ethernet monitoring and control in real time.
Editable text and image overlay.
Window or mode transition effects including dissolves, wipes, and cuts.
Brightness control of each input.
Transparenz Upassung a Kantfiederung.
Hot backup of input signals.

Multi-format signal processing & 4k Veraarbechtung.

Multi-format Signals Processing Processor is compatible with a variety of input signals : DVI × 1, HDMI × 1, VGA × 2, CVBS × 2, SDI × 1 an Expansioun Slot × 1. The expansion slot can be configured as HDMI 1.4a,IP, DVI, HDMI 1.3, and CVBS. 4k Processing Accommodating 4k signal input terminals including HDMI 1.4 an Dual Link DVI, U6 enables an input resolution up to 4096×2160, bequem realiséieren UHD Display vu grousse LED Schiirme!

Splicing Output For Large Screen.

User-define Splicing Display Processor is a 4 Output Apparat datt horizontal ënnerstëtzt, vertical and cross splicing to reach high resolution as 15360×600 or 1536×6144. U6 also supports user-define output resolution , allowing users to freely change aspect ratio of resolution and refresh rate.

Free Display of six Windows.

Free Display of six Windows on a single screen U6 enables the simultaneous display of six windows on a single screen.The size, location and hierarchical relationship of each window can be adjusted independently.

Multi-Écran Kombinatioun a speziell-geformt Splicing

U6 can not only display 6 Fënsteren op engem Ecran, mee Kontroll 6 LED Schiirme gläichzäiteg och, jidderee kann onofhängeg ugewise ginn oder an e komplett Bild kombinéiert ginn. Ausserdeem, Pixel Pitch vun esou Schiirme kann anescht ginn.

Bild Configuratioun

Transparency adjusting and edge feathering In order to integrate the different layers of image well, U6 can change the transparency of each windows or achieve edge feathering effect.

Lokal Iwwerwaachung a Virschau.

Et ginn dräi Modi wann Dir de lokale Monitor benotzt & preview output of U6: 1.Iwwerwaacht d'Ausgänge, datselwecht Bild mam Display ze weisen. 2.Virschau d'Inputen, weisen 6 Input Biller an der selwechter Zäit. 3.Monitor and preview in the same time.

Excellent Image Processing.

Effect CrossInt Splicing Technology The splicing unit of LED screen is often non-standard, non-uniform or different size ones, which may result in dislocation or out-sync etc. U6 adopts the CPT+FST splicing processing technology specially designed for small pixel LED displays, perfectly solving the said problem.

Super Resolution Technology.

Super Resolution Zoom-in Technology can effectively eliminate edge aliasing induced from image zoom-in, thus reducing out-of-focus blur accordingly.

Biller an Texter Iwwerlagerung.

U6 is able to generate independent images and texts overlay layer. De Benotzer ass erlaabt Biller oder Zeechen op d'Signalbild bequem mat der KYSTAR Kontrollsoftware ze iwwerlageren . Den iwwerlagerten Inhalt kann an der Ausrüstung gespäichert ginn.

Ethernet Iwwerwachung & Kontroll an Echtzäit.

Ethernet control U6 can be compatible with KYSTAR management software via Ethernet or serial communication. Users can configure parameters on U6 through management software, ajustéieren Fënster Layout, komplett Spezialeffekter Wiessel, geplangten Aufgaben opsetzen etc. Ethernet monitoring and preview Via Ethernet, users can not only configure the parameters of U6, awer erreechen Iwwerwachung an Virschau duerch d'KYSTAR Management Software an Echtzäit.

Nahtlos Iwwergang mat Effekter.

Ob am Fall vun engem Signal oder engem Preset, U6 is capable of seamless transition, ouni Blackout, Glimmer oder Verzögerung am Prozess; Ausserdeem, U6 owns over ten transition effects for choice by the user, adaptéierbar fir verschidden Uwendungen.

Hot Backup of Input Signals.

Hot Backup Users can specify the backup signal for signal source . Wann aktuell Signal geet falsch, de System gëtt automatesch z'entdecken an der Backupsatellit Signal direkt ruffen. A wann d'Signal nees normal, de System wäert Transfert zréck op d'Original Signal intelligent. Bauen parallel System mat dëser Funktioun, d'Zouverlässegkeet vun Zeen kann effizient garantéiert ginn.

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