
HUIDU HD-C35 FullColor Async LED Controller Card

Original Präis war: $145.80.Aktuelle Präis ass: $135.00.


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HUIDU HD-C35 fullcolor Async Controller.

Huidu Asynchronous Full Color LED Controller Card HD-C15 / HD-C15C / HD-C16C / HD-C35 / HD-C35C / HD-C36C / HD-C10 / HD-C30 WIFI 4G.

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HUIDU HD-C35 FullColor Async LED Controller Card.

Modell: HD- C35.

Range: 512*1024 / 1024*512 with Receiver card R500Items: Asynchronous Full-color LED Display ControllerMemory: 4G Flash, méi wéi 2 Stonnen.

program support; Indefinite expanding of U-disk memory.Communiction: 10/100M EthernetAreas: all over the worldSize: 197*108*20mmEffect: support Indoor & Outdoor voll Faarf & single/dual color module1.Product name :Asynchronous Full-color LED Display Controller HD-352.Control range:1024*5123.Max Aary Level:655364.Erënnerung:4G Flash, méi wéi 2 Stonnen.

program support; Indefinite expanding of U-disk memory5.Support Video display, Image and Text Editing.6.Simple and flexible user interface, easy to operate.

HUIDU HD-C35 FullColor Async LED Controller Card.

Zousätzlech Informatiounen


0.6 kg

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C35, C35 WIFI, C35 4G


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