
A8 Mini Receiving Card NovaStar Armor Series for Led Panels

Upprunalegt verð var: $121.50.Núverandi verð er: $108.00.


Keyptu Novastar LED stýrikerfi fyrir myndbandsveggina þína á sviðinu á besta verði.

Hleðslugeta: 256×256 Upplausn.
Máluð orkunotkun: 2.5 W.
Hitastig: -20°C-70°C.
Raki: 10% RH-90% RH, ekki þéttandi.
Hitastig: -25°C-125°C.
Vottanir:RoHS,EMC flokkur B.

Sendingar um allan heim á öllum pöntunum.

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A8 Mini Receiving Card NovaStar Armor Series LED Display card is Nova’s high-end mini receiving card series with small size and full functions. It has adopted DDR3 interface which makes it easy to fit various electrical structures. The led control ​card has integrated network transformer to simplify design for users. One board card can suit all kinds of applications.

A single Armor8 card is able to load 256*256 pixels led videowall display screen. It supports 18bit grayscale output clear view and random angle rotation and also supports many utility functions such as module Flash management interface, smart module management, dual backup of calibration coefficients, spennu, hitastigsgreining, o.s.frv.

NovaStar Armor Series A8 Mini Receiving Card Features:

1) Styður stakt kort 256*256 pixlum.
2) Single card supports parallel output of 32-group RGB signal.
3) Single card supports output of 64-group serial data.
4) Armor8 has integrated network transformer to simplify the design for users.
5) Armor8 supports various hot backups such as loop backup, dual card backup, tvískiptur rafmagnsafrit o.s.frv. og óaðfinnanleg skipti.
6) Armor8 supports dual backup of display parameters.
7) Armor8 supports module Flash management and allows for the storage
of calibration coefficients and module information.
8) Armor8 supports applying module Flash calibration coefficients through one-click.
9) Armor8 supports smart module with the functions of storing and managing information like calibration coefficients, module information, mát færibreytur osfrv. as well as flat cable detection and LED pixel-by-pixel error detection and no need for monitoring card.
10) Armor8 supports LCD Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
11) Armor8 supports temperature monitoring, supply voltage monitoring, and network cable communication status monitoring.
12) Armor8 supports pixel-by-pixel brightness/chroma calibration.
13) Armor8 supports prestoring picture settings.
14) Armor8 supports configuration file readback.
15) Armor8 supports firmware program backup and readback.
16) Með sérstakri EMC hönnun til að draga úr rafsegulgeislun á áhrifaríkan hátt.



0.2 kg


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