
Novastar MRV300-1 LED Receiver Card for LED Display

قیمت اصلی بود: $15.00.قیمت فعلی است: $14.50.


Buy Novastar led display screen controller at factory prices for your video wall panels.

  • Power supply voltage detection;
  • نظارت بر دما;
  • Pre-store picture setting;
  • Support pixel level brightness/color calibration
  • Ethernet cable communication status detection;
  • 16 RGB data groups output (can be extended to 32 groups.)

ارسال به سراسر جهان برای کلیه سفارشات.

  • 30 روز بازگشت آسان
  • برای ارسال همان روز قبل از ساعت 14:30 سفارش دهید
تسویه حساب ایمن تضمینی

Novastar MRV300-1 LED Receiver Card for LED Display Details & مشخصات.

Novastar MRV300-1 LED Receiver Card max support 256*128 پیکسل ها.

و, MRV300-1 is the new receiver card from Nova, single card max support 256 ایکس 128 پیکسل ها.


It has the following features:

  • outputs 16-group of RGBR ‘data; 20-group of RGB data; 64-group of serial data;
  • Configuration file readback;
  • Pixel-by-pixel brightness, and chromaticity calibration.
  • Comply with EU RoHs, and CE-EMC standard.


Rated voltage 3.3 5.0 5.5 V
جریان نامی 0.33 0.50 0.55 آ
دمای کاری -20.0~70.0
رطوبت کاری 10.0~90.0 %

اطلاعات تکمیلی


2 کیلوگرم

