
HUB75B LED display controller HUB card

Algne hind oli: $6.75.Praegune hind on: $5.40.


Avastage Hiina tehase siseruumides väljas LED-ekraani tarvikuid.

HUB75B is not available any more. You can buy HUB75E from this link: HUB75E card.

HUB75B HUB Card works with LED display modules of 1/16 kohustus, 1/8 kohustus, 1/4 kohustus, 1/2 duty and 1/1 kohustus. Please check the following HUB75B pin definition before you order our HUB75B card.

Kõigi tellimuste kohaletoimetamine üle maailma.

  • 30 päeva lihtne tagastamine
  • Telli oma enne kella 14.30, et saada samal päeval
Garanteeritud turvaline tasumine

HUB75B LED Display Controller HUB Card Function:

Transfer the signal from LED receiving card to LED modules, such as the traditional indoor LED modules, P10, P7.62, P6, P5, P4, P3 and P2.5.

Interface Definition of HUB75B LED Wall HUB Card:

1 R1 2 G1
3 B1 4 GND
5 R2 6 G2
7 B2 8 GND
9 A 10 B
11 C 12 D
13 CLK 14 STB
15 OE 16 GND





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