
VDWALL LEDSync850M Video Processor KVM Switch

የመጀመሪያው ዋጋ ነበር።: $627.75.የአሁኑ ዋጋ ነው።: $614.25.


1. The latest broadcast video processing technology brings clearer and more fluent images,
more brilliant colors and more vivid scenes.
2. 10+ ቢት Faroudja® DCDI ሲኒማ ሂደት.
3. New Faroudja® Real Color®..

በሁሉም ትዕዛዞች ዓለም አቀፍ መላኪያ.

  • 30 ቀናት ቀላል ተመላሾች
  • ለተመሳሳይ ቀን መላኪያ ከምሽቱ 2፡30 በፊት ይዘዙ
የተረጋገጠ አስተማማኝ ፍተሻ

VDWALL LEDSync850M Video Processor KVM Switch.

1. The latest broadcast video processing technology brings clearer and more fluent images,more brilliant colors and more vivid scenes.

2. 10+ ቢት Faroudja® DCDI ሲኒማ ሂደት.

3. አዲስ Faroudja® ሪል ቀለም®.

4. Built-in HD multi-media player, USB2.0, video and image playing by USB supported.

5. Online real-time VOD through Wi-Fi supported.

6. DVI is HDMI 1.3a ( ከ HDCP ጋር ) የሚስማማ, HD 1080P input.

7. Seamless switching or Fade-in / Fade-out between three groups of input signals ( ቪዲዮ,ቪጂኤ, DVI / ዩኤስቢ ).

8. Maximum output resolution of single unit: 1920 x 1080.

9. በመቀየር ላይ 4 input signals ( 1 x video, 1 x ቪጂኤ, 1 x DVI, 1 x ዩኤስቢ ) by one key.

10. USB HD multi-media player supports stereo audio output.

11. Easy setup and adjustment through knob and keys on the panel, Full-design USB protocol foroperating and setting.

12. Convenient operation, compact structure and easy carrying13. One sending card built-in ability and the structure design is compatible with most of sendingcards available on the market14. 24 / 7 application, high reliability and stabilityNo included the sending card.But it’s Perfect compatibility with Linsn sending card , Novastar Sending card , ዲቢስታር , ሲ&light sending card.

ተጨማሪ መረጃ


11 ኪ.ግ




እስካሁን ምንም ግምገማዎች የሉም.

ለመገምገም የመጀመሪያው ይሁኑ"VDWALL LEDSync850M Video Processor KVM Switch

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