
Colorlight Z4 4K UHD LED Controller integrated with Led Video Splicer Switcher

የመጀመሪያው ዋጋ ነበር።: $8,603.44.የአሁኑ ዋጋ ነው።: $8,572.50.

Purchase Colorlight led controller systems for your stage rental and advertising video walls at best prices.

Colorlight Z4 4K UHD LED Controller integrated with Video Splicer & Switcher.

በሁሉም ትዕዛዞች ዓለም አቀፍ መላኪያ.

  • 30 ቀናት ቀላል ተመላሾች
  • ለተመሳሳይ ቀን መላኪያ ከምሽቱ 2፡30 በፊት ይዘዙ
የተረጋገጠ አስተማማኝ ፍተሻ

Z4 የባለሙያ LED ማሳያ መቆጣጠሪያ ነው።. እንደ ቪዲዮ ማከፋፈያ, processor and sender
in one combined, Z4 የቪዲዮ ሲግናል መቀበል ከፍተኛ ችሎታ አለው።, processing and
transmission. It achieves excellent high-definition images and flexible image control
function. Z4 can be applied to popular rental display and common fixed display
Video input ports including 1xHDMI(በ loop), 1xDVI(በ loop), SDI×2, ቪጂኤ ×1;
Input resolution up to 1920×;
Support PIP and picture window roaming, the location and size of PIP can be adjusted freely;
Support 12bit HD video source;
የመጫን አቅም: 2.3 ሚሊዮን ፒክስሎች; ከፍተኛው ስፋት: 4096 ፒክስሎች, ከፍተኛው ቁመት: 4096 ፒክስሎች;
Support splicing and cascading among several controllers with synchronization strictly;
Support brightness and chromaticity adjustment, የቀለም ጋሜት ለውጥ;
Support zero latency of sending;
Support improved gray-scale at low brightness;
Support HDCP1.4;
ከሁሉም የመቀበያ ካርዶች ጋር ተኳሃኝ , ባለብዙ ተግባር ካርድ, optical fiber transceivers of Colorlight.

The Front Panel

Colorlight Z4 4K UHD LED Controller integrated with Led Video Splicer Switcher

አይ ስም ተግባር
1 1.8-inch LCD Display operation menu and system information
2 Knob Turning knob to select or adjust
እሺ/ስፋት>Enter key
3 Function keys ESC/ስፋት>Escape current operation or selection
Bright/ስፋት>Brightness option
እሰር:Freeze screen
ፒአይፒ PIP switch
4 Selection keys DVI/HDMI/SDI1/SDI2/VGA/ስፋት>set up video source input

The Back Panel

Colorlight Z4 4K UHD LED Controller integrated with Led Video Splicer Switcher

የግቤት በይነገጽ
1 ኤችዲኤምአይ HDMI1.4 ግብዓት ከ loop ጋር
2 DVI DVI ግቤት ከ loop ጋር
3 ኤስዲአይ 2x3G-SDI inputs
4 ቪጂኤ ቪጂኤ ግቤት
የውጤት በይነገጽ
1 Fiber Output 2 singlemode LC fiber outputs
2 Gigabit ኤተርኔት 4 Gigabit የኤተርኔት ውጤቶች
3 ኤችዲኤምአይ HDMI monitoring output
የመቆጣጠሪያ በይነገጽ
1.100ኤም ኤተርኔት የአውታረ መረብ ቁጥጥር (ከፒሲ ጋር መገናኘት,
ወይም የአውታረ መረብ መዳረሻ)
2.USB_OUT የዩኤስቢ ውፅዓት, ከቀጣዩ መቆጣጠሪያ ጋር መጨፍጨፍ
3.USB_IN የዩኤስቢ ግቤት, connection with PC to configure
parameters of display image
5.GENLOCK_LOOP Genlock signal loop output

ተጨማሪ መረጃ






እስካሁን ምንም ግምገማዎች የሉም.

ለመገምገም የመጀመሪያው ይሁኑ"Colorlight Z4 4K UHD LED Controller integrated with Led Video Splicer Switcher

የኢሜል አድራሻዎ አይታተምም።. አስፈላጊ መስኮች ምልክት ተደርጎባቸዋል *