
Novastar AT20 AT30 AT32 AT60 LED Receiving Card NovaStar LED display Mini receiving card

Oorspronklike prys was: $40.50.Huidige prys is: $13.50.


Koop Novastar gelei beheerstelsels vir u verhooghuurvideomure teen die beste pryse.

Laai kapasiteit: 320×256 resolusie.
Gegradeerde kragverbruik: 2.5 W.
Humiditeit: 10% RH-90% RH, non-condensing..
Temperatuur: -25°C-125°C.
Sertifiserings:RoHS,EMC Klas B.

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  • 30 dae maklike opbrengste
  • Bestel joune voor 14:30 vir dieselfde dag versending
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Novastar AT20 AT30 AT32 AT60 LED Receiving Card NovaStar LED display Mini receiving card receiving card is a general small receiving card developed by NovaStar. A single AT20 loads up to 320×256 pixels.

With various functions such as 12-bit precision pixel level brightness and chroma calibration, 3D function and individual Gamma adjustment for RGB, the AT20 led controller board
can greatly improve the display effect and user experience.

The Novastar AT20 receiving card uses high-density connectors for communication to limit effects of dust and vibration, lei tot hoë stabiliteit en betroubaarheid.

Dit ondersteun tot 24 sets of parallel RGB data or 64 stelle reeksdata. Die gereserveerde penne maak voorsiening vir persoonlike funksies van gebruikers.

Thanks to its EMC Class A compliant hardware design, the AT20 3d controller has improved electromagnetic compatibility and is suitable to many applications.

Novastar AT20 AT30 AT32 AT60 LED Receiving Card NovaStar LED display Mini receiving card Features:

Improvements to Display Effect

  • Pixel vlak helderheid en chroma kalibrasie
  • Vinnige naat regstelling
  • 3D funksie

Improvements to Maintainability

  • Slim module (supported by dedicated firmware)
  • Module Flash bestuur
  • One-click application of calibration coefficients saved in module Flash
  • Kartering funksie
  • Setting of pre-stored image on receiving card
  • Voltage and temperature monitoring
  • Cabinet LCD
  • Bit error rate monitoring
  • Readback of firmware program
  • Readback of configuration parameters

Improvements to Reliability

  • Dual-card backup and status monitoring
  • Status monitoring of dual power supplies
  • Lus rugsteun
  • Dual backup of program.

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0.2 kg


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